Saturday, July 25, 2015

Week 5 - Assignments, Videos and Demos - PERSPECTIVE

Hey guys

PERSPECTIVE week.....grrrrrr
I know its tricky and lots to learn but give it a go and try and get through it. Colour next week, so it will be fun again. Promise!!!! :)

Assignment 1 - If you are new to perspective, try drawing some cubes and ellipses in perspective. If you them up, I would love to check them out.

Assignment 2. Follow the map below and draw up some shots in perspective, just using the line tool. Think about 1. The perspective and 2. the shot design, think about your focal point, the temple and how you can arrange your grid to show this all off nicely. See how you them up!

Assignment 3. Do a value painting from your favourite line drawing.

Here is the demo from class:
Its supa rough, hopefully I can paint this up a bit more during the week.

Here are some perspective videos:

Week 5- Perspective

Here is a more advanced video that covers perspective, value painting and shot design.

Week 5 Videos - Sci-Fi/Shot Design

SCI-FI/Shot Design Part 1

SCI-FI/Shot Design Part 2

SCI-FI/Shot Design Part 3

SCI-FI/Shot Design Part 4

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